2018 in Review

If you asked me on January 1st how I thought 2018 would play out, I wouldn’t expect it to be like this. It has been a year of many changes for me, changes I am still getting used to. It started off as a year of uncertainty but has since turned into a year of adjustment. Here are my major life shifts of 2018:

New Job: In the beginning of the year, I thought I would be laid off. I was stressed out about my professional future, worried about finding a new job. I would lie in bed, thinking about the bills that would stack up or how I would be disappointing my mom. Now, I am enjoying a new job as an academic advisor at a huge university. I manage a much larger caseload of about 250 students. It is challenging but I am glad to be growing as an advisor through more professional development opportunities, learning different university procedures and policies, and interacting with new students and colleagues.

Moving to North Hollywood: I moved from Long Beach to North Hollywood to be closer to my new job and the metro station, which I absolutely love. Driving in LA during commute hours is a nightmare. It is definitely very different. There are a lot less sirens at night, less people yelling in the streets. It is a lot more hipster with a lot more dogs. Less of a family neighborhood and more of a single 20 – 30 something year olds trying to figure out our lives.

Dating: In the beginning of the year, I tried my hand at speed dating for the first time and tried online dating again. During speed dating, I met someone whose name was Billy. As we shook hands and introduced ourselves, I made a comment that it was also my brother’s name. His response…”It’s gonna be awkward when we make out.” The comment made my stomach churn in ways I couldn’t describe, I didn’t know how to respond. After a series of first dates that didn’t lead anywhere, including a white guy who said that finding a job was hard because of affirmative action (infuriating UGH!), I took a long break from dating. In the latter half of the year, my beloved dictator friend schemed to play matchmaker and set me up. I am an extremely private person but I will admit that I feel giddy and secure and optimistic. I feel like I am striving to grow into a better person because of him. (I am making myself cringe so hard.) Hopefully he feels the same.

As 2018 is coming to a close, I am excited to see what 2019 brings me. I’ll be turning 30. Finally stepping foot in South America. Possibly changing jobs yet again. 2019, here I come!

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